If you’re a business with online advertising, it’s likely that you’ve heard of Google AdWords, but what is it? And how does it work? Google AdWords is a pay-per-click advertising tool where advertisers bid on keywords to have their ads shown whenever the keyword is searched. This allows companies to have their ads placed at the top of a Google search engine results page when words associated with their businesses are searched by users. When used correctly, AdWords can be a successful and profitable marketing endeavor. 

Do Your Homework

The idea of driving business and increasing profits is exciting and it’s tempting to just jump right in start bidding on keywords, but first you need to do some research and plan. The first question to consider is does your company or brand have the demand to warrant this kind of marketing campaign? Are people actually searching for you online? If not, then this might not be the best type of marketing for you. Second, you need to check out the competition. What keywords have they used successfully? Would something similar work for your brand? There are a multitude of sites available to help you research specific keywords to gauge their search popularity and help you pick the right one. Finally, you need to decide on a budget. Remember, you will need to bid on keywords and the most popular ones will cost more. Deciding up front how much you can afford to spend per click will help you determine if AdWords is a good fit. 

Craft a Unique Ad 

Even if you have a large marketing budget, if your ad doesn’t stand out it won’t matter. Customers today are bombarded with online advertising. If you don’t want yours to get lost in the noise you will need to craft something that is attention grabbing and too good to pass up. What’s known as a Unique Selling Proposition can get users to click on your ads which will drive traffic to your site. The last thing to consider is where your ad will take users. It doesn’t do any good to spend time and money convincing people to click your ad only to lose them on the landing page. Customers shouldn’t have to search your site for the page relevant to the ad, so make sure the landing page linked to yours takes them exactly where they need to go. 

Google AdWords is a popular and effective online advertising tool. If you take the time to research your keywords and understand your competition, as well as creating an exceptional ad and user experience, AdWords can be just the thing to boost your digital marketing success.