Today we’re talking all about social media and lead generation. These two are a match made in heaven. And here’s why.

Did you know that as of 2021 there are 3.78 billion social media users worldwide?

No doubt, that’s a lot of people.

And when we put our business hats on, that means a lot of potential leads.

With social media engagement only set to continue growing into the future, it makes sense that brands are using these influential platforms as part of their marketing campaigns.

Social media provides businesses of all shapes and sizes a platform to engage with their consumers. As social networking takes hold, brands can start to build closer relationships with their customer bases – establishing brand authority amongst consumers and encouraging customer loyalty.

But why is social media so perfect for lead generation?

1.     It generates rapid short-term traffic

Social media marketing brings people to your website fast. With an engaging social media campaign under your belt, your brand is guaranteed to experience a surge in site traffic.

2.     It can be personalized

Its very easy to personalize social media content. Your social platforms are an extension of your brand. The perfect blank canvas from which to project your brand image, values, and mission.

3.     Community builds trust

As the name suggests, social media platforms are fundamentally just that- social. Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube are all fantastic places to start building a community of loyal followers and repeat customers. Here you can offer your customers value, and interact directly with the people buying your products.

4.     Social campaigns blow up

A good social media campaign has the ability to blow up and go viral. And that’s fantastic news for your business. When a campaign gets enough traction, it’ll spread fast allowing you to reach hundreds, if not thousands, of customers in a flash.

5.     Social supports SEO

Last but not least, social media is the perfect SEO accompaniment. These two strategies are mutually supportive. Social media improves SEO and SEO improves your social visibility. Websites that get high numbers of visitors on social media rank higher on Google.

Get social

It’s time to go out there and get social. Social media marketing and lead generation go hand in hand. For best results aim for clickable content, a killer profile, and attractive offers. You’ll be pulling in those leads and boosting your conversion rates in no time.

Need help with your social media marketing? Contact us today for a free consultation.