The holidays are always a fruitful sales season for businesses. Thanks to the boom of e-commerce and digital marketing, brands now have multiple ways to make themselves visible to consumers.

Although it may be a little too late to have a plan drafted in time for Black Friday, you can still have a successful holiday season. Today, we will go over ways you can implement a flawless e-Commerce strategy.

Create Holiday-Centric Social Media Content

Social media is the perfect place to market your business during the holidays. According to a Sprout Social report, 1 in 3 consumers said social media influenced their holiday purchases.

One way to leverage the power of social media is to create content tailored to the needs of your audience. A way you can cater to consumers’ pain points is by creating a holiday gift guide.

More than 50 percent of U.S. consumers are late-minute shoppers. To cater to them, consider sharing a gift guide to your social media.

You can use the Instagram carousel to feature gifts tailored to your audience. To make it easy to purchase the items, include a product tag that directs consumers to your website.

Offer Free Shipping

Shipping can be an essential element of your e-commerce holiday marketing.

Particularly, free shipping can be used as a powerful promotional tactic during the holiday season.

According to a Pitney Bowes report, 79 percent of consumers prefer free shipping over fast shipping. Similarly, a survey by Shopkick found that 94 percent of customers expect retailers to offer free shipping during the holiday season.

Not only will offering free shipping with every order entice consumers, but it will help you stand out against competitors.

Additionally, if you offer a deal that includes free shipping, you can include that in your ads and marketing emails.

Use Email Marketing Automation

Email marketing is one of the key strategies to building customer relationships.

As mentioned in our piece for Entrepreneur, the most effective email marketing strategy combines multiple tactics and reaches consumers at the perfect time.

There’s no better way to deliver the right content at the perfect time than with email automation.

Email automation allows you to send tailored emails based on a condition or action a visitor takes on your website.

For example, if a visitor gets to checkout but doesn’t complete a purchase, this will trigger an email encouraging them to complete their transaction.

Studies suggest that this tactic could yield incredible results. A Barilliance study found that 1 in 5 consumers who opened and clicked a link in an abandoned cart email made a purchase.

Enhance Your Checkout Process

As we briefly touched on in our latest Forbes article, your sales process is just as crucial as acquiring potential customers.

A complicated checkout or one that doesn’t ensure trust with the consumer is a surefire way to miss out on sales.

Studies have shown that the fewer clicks a consumer makes at checkout, the higher the conversion rate.

Additionally, security is a top priority to consumers, especially during the holiday season. So, ensure your customer’s safety with security badges.

Along with making your checkout streamlined and secure, you should also aim to provide more value. For instance, offering free gift wrap is a great way to establish your unique selling proposition during the holidays.

Spruce Up Your Holiday Digital Marketing

Investing in a high-quality e-Commerce strategy is critical to a successful holiday season. If you need help sprucing up your holiday digital marketing, contact us for a free consultation.

Valux Digital is a nationally recognized digital marketing & PR agency in New York. Businesses and projects of all shapes and sizes are welcome here. We have extensive experience in both B2B and B2C marketing.  We specialize in building out customized marketing packages that take real data into account. See some of our other articles on Forbes or Entrepreneur.